"He sat by himself." 1-on-1 check-ins ai blended learning coaching flex model individual relationships mindset change personalized learning Jul 19, 2024

One tragic element of Donald Trump’s attempted assassination is the description that’s emerged of his attempted killer, Thomas Matthew Crooks. No one seemed to know him. He seemed to have been invisible, a nobody. He didn’t even make the high school shooting team.


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Discover Teachersā€™ True Feelings about Guiding ai blended learning flex model microschools mindset change Jul 10, 2024

Would credentialed teachers truly feel happy and fulfilled taking the job of guides? My dataset suggests that only 20 percent would be comfortable in that new role.

Consider the differences:

Guides are in-person coaches in schools that use AI adaptive software instead of teachers for academic...

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7 places need a Flex disruption in K-12 ai blended learning disruption esa flex model microschools Jun 19, 2024

In certain places, Flipped Classrooms and Station Rotations aren’t the solution. Neither are embedded professional development, data-driven instruction, or a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). Even the debate about banning phones is superfluous. In some places, the conventional...

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A 24-point Checklist for School Tours ai flex model mindset change Jun 12, 2024

Schools can use level-adaptive software powered by AI to teach core academics.

If you knew me 20 years ago, you’d never guess I’d develop that point of view. As a child, I went to conventional public schools and loved them. Then, as a mom, I hated seeing my kids spend much time with...

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